Lily Pond Solar is an 80MW solar project located on less than 500 acres of private property near Carson in Dinwiddie County. An additional 500 acres of land will be used for vegetative buffers, setbacks, pollinator plantings, protected wetlands, and other protected natural resources.
Currently, Lily Pond Solar is in the development stages. We are securing the necessary legal and environmental permits to safely and responsibly develop the project.
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Economic Benefits
Lily Pond Solar will provide significant benefits to Dinwiddie County, including enhanced tax revenue and well-paying construction jobs which will provide training and experience for the local workforce.
Ongoing Revenue: The project will generate estimated $22.2 million in tax revenues alone over the next four decades. In year one the project would contribute $3,980,133.78, equivalent to 15 cents of real estate tax rate in Dinwiddie County. After year one on average the project would contribute $408,194, equivalent to 1.5-2 cents of the real state tax.
Jobs: The project will create approximately 300 well-paying construction jobs over the course of construction.
Project Map

Environmental Impact
Lily Pond Solar is a safe and environmentally-sound solar project that will preserve vital natural resources and protect the rural nature of Dinwiddie County.
Lily Pond Solar will have a positive impact on the environment. There will be no pollution, no noise, and no traffic once the initial construction is complete. This project allows Dinwiddie County to preserve the land for future development, while at the same time producing clean, affordable energy. The project will also not place any strain on public infrastructure including schools, roads, water, and sewer systems.
Buffers & Setbacks
Buffers and setbacks designed to minimize the visual impact of the solar farm are an important component of the Lily Pond Solar project. Features include a 150-foot setback from property boundaries and a 250-foot setback along Halifax Road. Landscaping and screening will be provided along these roads and adjacent properties, where applicable. This will screen the project from view and maintain the existing character of the area.

The design of the Lily Pond Solar Project includes landscaping and buffers which will screen the project from view and further help maintain the existing character of the area. Our development process includes an evaluation of the existing vegetation, in conformance with the Dinwiddie County land development code, and will pursue opportunities to establish ground cover with native species. In addition, pollinator mixes will be planted in parts of the project to increase biodiversity on site.
Habitat Protection
A significant portion of the project acreage, over 20%, is designed to protect existing wetlands. The project will be carefully developed to preserve these wetlands and other natural resources protecting this valuable habitat for decades. Unfenced wetland protection areas will also serve as additional wildlife passages.

In order to comply with state requirements, Lily Pond Solar will obtain an environmental permit from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). As part of the permit process, the impact on threatened and endangered species is evaluated and mitigation plans, if needed, are developed. Fencing that would affect wildlife will only be placed in areas where there are solar panels. As part of the project planning, the project was split into several sections so that a significant portion of the land will provide access for wildlife corridors and wetland habitats for native animals.
Is solar safe?
Unequivocally yes. Solar panels are designed and tested to withstand a range of environmental conditions. They are also designed to prevent any metals or resources from leaking into the ground or water.
Will the solar project cause glare?
No, there will not be a visible glare. Solar panels are designed to absorb light, not reflect it.
Where will the project be located?
It will be located on private property, roughly 2.5 miles northwest of Carson, Virginia.
How will the project ensure that it does not impact Civil War Battlefields?
As apart of our commitment to protecting the counties natural and cultural heritage, we have worked with the American Battlefield Trust to ensure our project protects any historical and cultural resources present on our site. The project plans to donate some of the land for preservation in perpetuity, ensuring non-disturbance and conservation easements. Additionally, thorough measures have been taken to ensure the protection of historical and cultural resources, including conducting extensive surveys with Ground Penetrating Radar, which confirmed the absence of graves or remains at the site.
About Energix
Your Partner In Clean Energy
Energix is excited about becoming a partner with Dinwiddie County. Energix U.S., owner and operator of Lily Pond Solar, is one of the leading utility-scale solar developers and long-term project owners in the Commonwealth. We leverage our financial strength and extensive industry experience to build sustainable, renewable energy projects that generate revenue for localities, deliver reliable electricity to customers, protect the environment, and provide financial security to our landowner partners.
Contact Us
1201 Wilson Blvd, Ste 2200
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 468-1130